How to Schedule an Appointment at Vasuda Salon
Appointments online is easy, fast & convenient. You can always call us at 206-525-0870
There are 2 ways to make an appointment with Vasuda Salon online
Choose this Option To:
Find and schedule your appointment immediately.
View multiple stylists, location, and service.
Last minutes opening.
View your service history and purchases
Upload picture and inspiration to your account
Find out what product we use at Vasuda Salon
Look at examples of starting prices to get an idea. generally, prices are based on experience. however, some services increase based on length and density
Choose this Option To:
You need assistance or more information.
You are booking multiple appointments.
You can't find the time or type of appointment you need, or you can't find what you want?
We will Schedule you or call during our normal business hours.
Can't find your stylist? Some Stylist use other appointment schedulers For appointments, click on desired stylist Profile Here .
View your account past visits, purchases and reorder product.